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Clearing Out The Mind's Clutter - Part 5 - What's Next?

As we continue with our goal towards clearing out the mind's clutter, we've reached a pivotal point in Part 5 where we're going to ask ourselves the question, WHAT'S NEXT?

The reason?

Well, we're going to realize that, by now, certain crucial decisions should have already been made in order to push our progress further with this particular objective.

However, if we haven't made them yet, we can use this step to reevaluate our information which should be able to help us to finally make these decisions.

What are these crucial decisions that we're talking about?

These crucial decisions will involve the following:

  1. Confirming the specific clutter items that we want to clear out.

  2. Understanding the reasons for why we're choosing them in particular.

  3. Making sure that we haven't changed our minds about letting them go.

If we're still a little puzzled about what to do, we can use the following Questions to confirm and/or clarify any further details needed.


  • Have these clutter items negatively affected or impacted our EMOTIONAL health?

    • Which emotions have been showing up or reoccurring?

    • Which items are specifically associated with these emotions?

    • Would evaluating this information be enough to clarify or confirm our reasons for letting these items go?

      • Or, is there something else we need to check?

    • By rechecking this information, we will be able to notice a difference?


  • Have these clutter items negatively affected or impacted our PHYSICAL health?

    • Which physical symptoms have been occurring, reoccurring, or intensifying?

    • Which items are specifically associated with these symptoms?

    • Would evaluating this information be enough to confirm or clarify our reasons for letting these items go?

      • Or, is there something else we need to check?

    • By rechecking this information, we will be able to notice a difference?


  • Have these clutter items negatively influenced or impacted our ABILITIES to make or implement any of our DECISIONS, PLANS, or IDEAS?

    • Which decisions, plans, or ideas have been affected / influenced the most?

    • Which items are specifically associated?

      • Have they been interfering with the actual process and/or progress?

      • Or, have they been forcing us to second guess / question things?

    • Would evaluating this information be enough to confirm or clarify our reasons for letting these items go?

      • Or, is there something else we need to check?

    • By rechecking this information, we will be able to notice a difference?


  • Do any of these clutter items actually BELONG to someone else?

    • Who do they belong to?

      • Which items?

        • (Ex: opinions, beliefs, behaviors, actions, thoughts, etc.)

      • Why/How do they belong to this other person?

      • Do we really know who this is?

      • Are we sure?

    • Who do we believe or suspect they belong to?

      • Which items?

      • Why / How do we believe or suspect that they belong to this other person?

      • Do we really know who this is?

      • Are we sure about our suspicions?

    • Why have we held onto these items?

    • Would evaluating this information be enough to clarify or confirm our reasons for letting these items go?

      • Or, is there something else we need to check?

    • Would we notice a difference if we released them?


  • Is there is ANYTHING ELSE that should be checked, confirmed, or clarified?

    • This would include any new or updated information / discovery.

    • Could any of this confirm or clarify our reasons?

Keep in mind, this Part / Step could take a little longer to complete, so we shouldn't feel rushed or become impatient with ourselves or the process.

Therefore, we should take as much time as we believe we need to clarify or confirm these additional insights. Once completed, it will then be time to move on to the next step.

In Part 6, we'll discuss the potential Actions / Tactics that can be used to perform the clearing out process.....that is, if we're willing to use them.

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