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Clearing Out The Mind's Clutter - Part 4 - Significance

Welcome to Part 4 of our quest towards Clearing Out The Mind's Clutter.

As we continue, it's time to take a look at another approach / strategy that could help us to push this process further, which is called Significance.

Although, we may need to point out that, by the time we're done with this segment, it might feel like it's the most difficult one to go through and complete within this whole series. Which it just might be.

So, before we get into its discussion, let's recap a few things that we've already completed, (or hopefully have completed).

1) To jump start this clearing process, we spent time writing down our thoughts in order to move the information physically out of our heads and onto a piece of paper or screen. Basically, we borrowed the premises, actions, and purposes of journaling.

2) Next, we spent time identifying / establishing the best ways to define, describe, and/or explain the word, clutter, by...

  • creating /recognizing our own interpretation of the term's meanings, explanations, and descriptions, including our preferences for the wording / phrasing and

  • locating the best examples of this interpretation within the details in our notes.

3) We also obtained an understanding that there could be many ways to describe, explain, or define this term, (or other things), which is why we've selected / confirmed our own interpretations and preferences.

4) Then, we hopefully reached a point towards acknowledging / becoming more aware of what we've discovered about this clutter's existence, reality, or truth.

Now, we're ready to discuss Significance as an approach / strategy. So, let's start by taking a moment to identify / establish its definition, purpose, and/or our interpretation of it as a word.


When we look this word up, we'll see that it can generally be defined as:

"the quality, (or value), of an item, aspect, word, (meaning), circumstance, event, or detail that is deemed or recognized as being important or relevant to a person....being important or relevant because of its association, connection, or relation to a person....indicating an importance or relevance which could affect, impact, or influence the nature, process, progress, success, or failure of an objective, plan, or outcome...." (Sources: Google / personal translation)

If we fully comprehend this meaning, where would the concept of significance fit in to our process of or objective towards clearing out the mind's clutter?

Because we're attempting to clear out the items, (clutter), that we either don't want, need, or desire to be a part of our thoughts, it would make a lot of sense to use an approach which could help us to determine, identify, and/or comprehend the significant / relevant reasons as to WHY we've chosen to clear out certain factors as opposed to others.

And, it would also make a lot of sense to use this same approach to help us to clarify / confirm the differences in HOW these items / factors may have been, significantly, influencing, impacting, or affecting us in a negative / detrimental way as opposed to a positive / beneficial way.

Plus, we already know that we get to use our own subjective point of view, perspective, or opinion when making these selections and/or defining our reasons.

What Steps should we take?

  1. Bring up / Look at our written notes.

    1. If on computer or tablet, would recommend printing out these notes.

    2. Otherwise, be prepared to jot down additional explanations or descriptions.

  2. Confirm our designated / acknowledged clutter items.

    1. Don't forget to include anything else that may have come up during this process.

  3. Use some specific Key Questions to help to narrow down these differences / clarifications.

    1. We'll need to make sure to word or phrase these questions to ourselves in the first person.

  4. Ask and Answer these Key Questions with each item, factor, aspect, etc., which means....

    1. Only target/focus on one (1) item, factor, aspect, etc., at a time and....

    2. Go through the full set of questions.

Here are some suggestions for these Key Questions and their possible phrasing:

  • What is this item, factor, aspect, or piece of information?

    • Is it actually associated, connected, or related to me in any manner?

    • How / Why is this item associated, connected, or related to me?

      • Is this a direct or indirect involvement, association, or relation?

      • Is this involvement, association, or connection personal or professional?

    • How / Why is this association or connection important, significant, or relevant?

      • What is this significance, importance, or relevance?

        • Is it still significant, important, or relevant right now?

        • Or, is it not that significant, important, or relevant any more?

    • Is there another person involved, associated, or connected to this item?

      • Who is this other person?

        • How is this other person associated, connected, or related to me?

        • Or, why is this other person associated, connected, or related to me?

      • Why/How is this other person involved, associated or connected to this item?

        • How is this important, relevant, or significant?

        • Why is this important, relevant, or significant?

        • What is this importance, relevance, or significance?

    • Is there any kind of influence, impact, or effect noticed?

      • Is this a positive or negative influence, impact, or effect?

      • How are we being influenced, impacted, or affected?

        • Through my emotions?

          • Which ones are showing up?

        • My thoughts?

          • Are these other clutter items?

          • Or, are these additional items?

        • Are physical symptoms appearing?

          • Which symptoms are showing up?

          • Which body regions are being affected?

        • Are memories appearing?

          • With the emotions?

          • With the thoughts?

          • With the physical symptoms?

      • What else could be influenced, impacted, or affected?

        • What are they?

      • Can I see the differences?

        • What are they?

Once these questions are completed, take the time to:

  • Stop for a moment

  • Take a break and step away for a little bit and...

  • Go for a walk, rest, get some food, or meditate

Then, come back and:

  • Take another look at the answers

  • Jot down any new reactions or responses to them

  • Step away, again, for a little bit

Since this step can be very intense, especially when you discover certain details, you may need to take additional time to process this new information.

Take as much as time as needed. Then, when you're ready for more input, look for Part 5, which will be coming up soon and will be called: What's Next?

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