In Part 1, we initiated the process of clearing out the mind's clutter by taking a physical approach with the action of jotting down the thoughts that were coming into our minds, or those that were already there, onto a piece of paper, (or computer screen). By doing so, we literally, physically, pulled this information to the surface and moved the details out of our heads, (minds).
For many folks, because the premise of this activity mimics the purpose of writing in a daily journal or diary, it would have been just enough for them to do in order to clear out the clutter.

However, for the rest of us, what if this wasn't enough? What then?
Well, since the previous action, by itself, may not have fully worked, it may be time to employ an-other unique tactic known as IDENTIFICATION along with it. Before we get into the nitty gritty of how to use it with what we're doing here, let's first talk about the basis of this approach.
Basically, identification is "a process used to establish or indicate the identity of someone or something." (Source: Google / paraphrased )
In other words, this process allows us to set up the parameters or references needed in order to figure out and comprehend how to recognize and prove the existence of a person, place, thing, or experience.
This could become an important asset or tactic when we're in the middle of dealing with something difficult or attempting to pursue an objective, like we are right now. Because, if we don't understand what something is, we aren't going to be able to create the most effective plan to handle or achieve it.
In this case, we've written down some information, from our thoughts, but do we really understand what the information is about? Remember, we're looking for something that's considered to be clutter. So, do we honestly comprehend what we're looking for?
Maybe, it's time to set up the parameters or references for us to use in order to identify, establish, or recognize what clutter is supposed to be and why we're using it, (the word), for this objective.
What are some steps that we could use to set up these parameters or references?
First, we might want to establish / identify the definition, explanation, or description of the word, clutter. This would include the general or specific words, phrases, or terms that we have a preference to use, which could also help us to identify and comprehend the explanation of why we're using it here.
Second, we may want to indicate some examples, representing what our clutter might be. Here are a few suggestions of categories or groupings to consider: (make sure to jot down this information for future reference)
negative, critical, or harmful thoughts, feelings, or moods
aggressive, pushy, or forceful attitudes, behaviors, or opinions
intense or painful symptoms or ailments
repeating negative cycles, patterns, or habits
intense or negative dreams that disrupt sleep cycles
repeating negative experiences, situations, or events
anything else we can think of
Third, now we should take another look at our written notes regarding our thoughts and jot down on a separate piece of paper, (or document), any of these examples, as well as categories or groupings, which may be present.
Fourth, take a moment to answer the following questions.
How is the word, clutter, defined, described, or explained by (insert your name)?
What examples represent (insert your name) clutter?
How has this clutter affected (insert your name) ?
Do I, (you), understand what I, (you), can do about it?
Do, I, (you), need further help?

If the answer to the last question listed above is yes, please continue to Part 3 to see if the Acknowledgement approach might help you further.